Greetings, earthlings! I've been meaning to share a few words and photos about a little adventure I went on last weekend. I drove to the fabulous Shelly Massey's art barn in Springboro, Ohio for some flower painting, and bonding with some amazing women! Oh much goodness much kindness and openness and sweetness! Shelly's art barn was such a warm, welcoming space, and the little town of Springboro itself was adorable! Speaking of adorable, Shelly's daughter Harper became my fast friend. We hung out, she doodled in my journal, and we tattoo'd each other with paint pens! These women, though....they are my peeps. My peeps, I say!!!
The definition of the word "retreat" is "to withdraw, the act of moving back." And that's why retreats are so good for pull away from every day life for a while, and immerse ourselves in something new that challenges us or brings our senses to life again.
The girls and I: Shelly, me, Jessica, Jenny, Sarah and Mary
As a fellow creative, you are probably fully aware, we are a different animal. Many people do not think or feel the way we do about things. We see things differently....we handle ourselves differently.....and when you can spend time with like minded weirdos such as yourself, it fills the well back up!
Works in progress, and lots of smiles! The studio is a great space!
This group was just so easy to be with. Such lovely ladies, each with their own unique journey in life...some things, so different about us, but so many, MANY things in common. We laughed so much. And we got right to the heart of matters as well. (several late night "world saving" sessions) Big shout out to Shelly's mother in law, Ruby, who prepared delicious food each morning for our breakfasts! So wonderful!
A night out for dinner with the girls!
Oh yes, and of course, we painted....under Shelly's wonderful guidance! Who doesn't LOVE a bursting bouquet of flowers??? So interesting how each of us had our own unique perspective, and you can tell whose is whose.
Can you tell which one is mine? I made a few finishing touches when I got home.
I believe I've made friends for life. That is the most wonderful gift of all!!
Tough girls with temporary tats! Me and Harper.
Shelly gave us each a cute little house. I made superheroes for everyone.
For info on Shelly and her retreats, click