Two Pieces going to U of I!

Good morning friends!!!  Is it gloomy where you are?  It's gloomy here....we are ready for some SUNSHINE!!!!  Well, I'll send you a little sunshine with my work today, how's that?

I'm pleased as punch to share that these two pieces from my Miracle and Wonder show at the University of Iowa Hospital are now permanent pieces in their collection!!!!  Yay!!!  My heart is just a burstin'!!!  Thanks to all who helped to make this happen!!!  

I'm working hard in the studio these days to prep for my next show:  Artfest Midwest in Des Moines!
If you are in the area, put this event on your calendar!  Great fun!

"Reflections"  24" x 24"  Mixed media on Canvas

"Deep Breath"   24" x 36"  Mixed Media on Canvas