My Little Part

Hi friends.  Words are failing me these days.  There's so much hurt going on, it all seems rather overwhelming.  I don't have the words.  All I know to do is move my hands.  That's how I cope and find a way working it out through scribbling or cutting or painting. Lately, it's also included digging in the dirt and moving plants around, much to their dismay. 

 So I'll just keep doing that.  And I'm going to try to keep my heart open.  And listen more.  We can all be better at this human stuff...including and especially me.  I've given myself the goal of reaching out to at least one person I care about each day.  Let them know they matter and I'm glad they are here.  Sometimes with a text, maybe a note, flowers, I don't know.  I'm going to TRY to put some good shit out there everyday because God knows we need it right now.  Sending you love, Dori