Juggling Several Paintings in my Studio this Week


A recent page in the small square art journal. 

Good morning pals!  I'm writing to you from my studio on Tuesday morning.  Everything in town is delayed a couple of hours, due to slick, icy roads.  I'm looking out the window and now I see another layer of snow coming down.  Sigh. And so it goes.  I was supposed to get my hair cut this morning, but think I might end up rescheduling that.  There are certain things that can just wait.

At my work table, finishing up an abstract painting.

Close up of final mark making. 

My studio is the chilliest room in the house as it's an addition on the back of our house. There's just a crawlspace under it, instead of a basement that runs under the rest of the house.  That makes a big difference.  We added insulation when we moved in years ago, and the new-ish windows help, but on damp, cold days like today, I turn to the little space heater and a hot cup of coffee to set things right. 

My color shaper tools help my marks stay loose and spontaneous.

Things are humming along in the studio again.  I'm juggling multiple paintings, which feels really good. I am prepping for two big spring events....I'll be able to share details on those very soon!  I'm also working on a "paper goods update" in my Etsy shop.  I've had a few card designs sell out,  so I spent most of yesterday working through my inventory and figuring out what needs to be replenished.  I'll likely spend part of this day packaging cards and getting them listed.  With Valentine's Day around the corner, I want to be somewhat prepared.  Hope you all are staying safe and warm on this Tuesday! Keep moving your hands. Create every day!  

Hello 2024!


Happy New Year, friends!  Happy 2024 to you and yours!  I'm writing this from my studio table on the morning of the 10th.  We had our first really significant snowfall of the season yesterday.  I've been hearing totals of 10-12 inches being thrown around.  It was the beautiful kind of snow....sticky and perfect for snowman building!  Just gorgeous!  (Says the woman who works from home and didn't have to go anywhere) Whenever there is inclement weather, hubby and I are always grateful for our jobs at home.  

We are also grateful for a fireplace on cold winter nights.  I'm currently obsessed with all things COZY.  When it starts getting dark in the late afternoon, I start turning on a few lights, make some warm tea, (I love peppermint!) and light some candles.  I will also wrap Butterbean (the yellow girl lab) up in a fuzzy blanket, cuz I tell myself she loves it.  She doesn't protest, at least.  

After a crazy busy 2023, we were happy to find a little rest and rejuvenation over the holiday break.  I was able to catch up on some home projects that had been waiting on me to finish. I also try to take the holiday week to reorganize and re-evaluate my processes.  I'm a nerd about a new year.  I don't really take to resolutions exactly, but I love the clean slate in January to start thinking about all the possibilities ahead of us!

One of the things I do towards the end of every year is purchase next year's daily planner.  (I love Moleskine's daily planner with the hard cover)  I've tried all kinds of planners, calendars, etc, and this system seems to work the best for me.  There's a video up on my YouTube channel where you can watch my process for prepping the 2024 planner. 

Cleaning out and organizing my collage papers has also been giving me so much joy.  I'm a nerd about that too.  Ha!  Fun announcements are right around the corner, friends!  Thanks again for all your support and encouragement through the years.  See you soon!  -Dori